Install Waypoint

To try capabilities of Kmesh L7, this is the basic doc to install waypoint.


  1. Install Kmesh:

Please refer quickstart

  1. Deploy sample application:

Using Kmesh manage default namespace

[root@ ~]# kubectl label namespace default
[root@ ~]# kubectl get namespace -L
default              Active   13d   Kmesh
istio-system         Active   13d   
kmesh-system         Active   27h   
kube-node-lease      Active   13d   
kube-public          Active   13d   
kube-system          Active   13d   
local-path-storage   Active   13d   
  1. Deploy bookinfo:
[root@ ~]# kubectl apply -f
  1. Deploy sleep as curl client:
[root@ ~]# kubectl apply -f
[root@ ~]# kubectl get pods
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
details-v1-5f4d584748-bz42z      1/1     Running   0          72s
productpage-v1-564d4686f-2rjqc   1/1     Running   0          72s
ratings-v1-686ccfb5d8-dnzkf      1/1     Running   0          72s
reviews-v1-86896b7648-fqm4z      1/1     Running   0          72s
reviews-v2-b7dcd98fb-nn42q       1/1     Running   0          72s
reviews-v3-5c5cc7b6d-q4r5h       1/1     Running   0          72s
sleep-9454cc476-86vgb            1/1     Running   0          62s
  1. Test boofinfo works as expected:
[root@ ~]# kubectl exec deploy/sleep -- curl -s http://productpage:9080/ | grep -o "<title>.*</title>"
<title>Simple Bookstore App</title>

Install waypoint:

Waypoints can be used at three granularities: namespace, service and pod. Also you could install multiple waypoints with different granularities under the same namespace.

Install waypoint in service granularity:

Deploy a waypoint for service reviews, so any traffic to that service will be mediated by that waypoint proxy

NOTE: There are breaking changes in waypoint capture mode between istio 1.22 and istio 1.21, so the following commands need to be run on at least istio 1.22.

[root@ ~]# istioctl x waypoint apply -n default --name reviews-svc-waypoint

Label the reviews service to use the reviews-svc-waypoint waypoint:

[root@ ~]# kubectl label service reviews

You can use kubectl get pods to see all the pods except waypoint are ready. Then replace the waypoint image with the Kmesh customized image. Based on istio-proxy, Kmesh adds an customized listener filter called Kmesh_tlv, which will parse the custom TLV protocol encoded by Kmesh and obtain the target address and metadata to connect L4 and L7.

[root@ ~]# kubectl get
NAME                      CLASS            ADDRESS        PROGRAMMED   AGE
reviews-svc-waypoint      istio-waypoint   True         30m

image replacement: Add annotation “” to the reviews-svc-waypoint gateway.

[root@ ~]# kubectl annotate gateway reviews-svc-waypoint

Then gateway pod will restart. Now Kmesh is L7 enabled!

[root@ ~]# kubectl get pods
NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
details-v1-cdd874bc9-xcdnj                1/1     Running   0          30m
productpage-v1-5bb9985d4d-z8cws           1/1     Running   0          30m
ratings-v1-6484d64bbc-pkv6h               1/1     Running   0          30m
reviews-svc-waypoint-8cb4bdbf-9d5mj       1/1     Running   0          30m
reviews-v1-598f9b58fc-2rw7r               1/1     Running   0          30m
reviews-v2-5979c6fc9c-72bst               1/1     Running   0          30m
reviews-v3-7bbb5b9cf7-952d8               1/1     Running   0          30m
sleep-5577c64d7c-n7rxp                    1/1     Running   0          30m

Install waypoint in namespace granularity:

[root@ ~]#  istioctl x waypoint apply -n default --name default-ns-waypoint
waypoint default/default-ns-waypoint applied

[root@ ~]#  kubectl label namespace default
namespace/default labeled

Then any requests from any pods using the Kmesh, to any service running in default namespace, will be routed through that waypoint for L7 processing and policy enforcement.

Install waypoint in pod granularity:

[root@ ~]# istioctl x waypoint apply -n default --name reviews-v2-pod-waypoint --for workload
waypoint default/reviews-v2-pod-waypoint applied
# Label the `reviews-v2` pod to use `reviews-v2-pod-waypoint` waypoint.
[root@ ~]# kubectl label pod -l version=v2,app=reviews
pod/reviews-v2-5b667bcbf8-spnnh labeled

Now any requests from pods in the Kmesh to the reviews-v2 pod IP will be routed through reviews-v2-pod-waypoint waypoint for L7 processing and policy enforcement.


If you are not planning to explore any follow-on tasks, go on with the cleanup steps

  1. Remove waypoint:

Remove waypoint in service granularity

[root@ ~]# istioctl x waypoint delete reviews-svc-waypoint
[root@ ~]# kubectl label service reviews

Remove waypoint in namespace granularity

[root@ ~]# istioctl x waypoint delete default-ns-waypoint
[root@ ~]# kubectl label namespace default

Remove waypoint in pod granularity

[root@ ~]# istioctl x waypoint delete reviews-v2-pod-waypoint
[root@ ~]# kubectl label pod -l version=v2,app=reviews
  1. Remove sample applications:
[root@ ~]# kubectl delete -f
[root@ ~]# kubectl delete -f